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Shines / Turn Patterns
of shines
- basic step
- basic side step
- right turn (123)
- right turn on 567,
5 = step right to the side, 67 = turn
- left turn
- only backwards
- cumbia basis
- morte la cucaracia
- front
- back
- front + back
- front + front (double
front cross)
- advanced double front
cross (1 and 2 and 3, 5 and 6 and 7)
- suzie q's
- regular
- ... + kick
- 123 (4) step right
5 tap left over right 6 left regular front 7 right
- contemplating suzie
q: 1 to the right with left foot, 2 stand on right, 3 to the left with
left foot, 4 stand on right, 567 suzie q. Next, the same in reverse direction
- biciclette
- box
- regular
- ... + slide on 56
and 7
(variation: tap with right foot on 4)
- large box/triangle:
1 left over right, 3 right back (to the right), 5 left to the left side,
7 right to the front
- mambito (basis 123,
and (right behind left) 5 left to left side 6 left cross before right 7
right cross before left)
- flair (syncopated)
- cross forward backward
backward forward
- all forward
- all backward
- ... + extra tap
- walk
- regular
- ... + slide in next
basic (and one)
- quick (on 123 or
on 567)
- Slide/Heel (and 1,
sliding right behind left, 2 heel, 3 left back, 567 regular)
- basic, then walk 123
(optional slide right behind left), 5 flick (left heel to front, weight
on right) 6 weight on left 7 right step forward
- (Paul's workshop)
sidestep with cross on 3 and 7
accent with left foot on 7 (during basic or during crossing sidestep)
ball of the foot twist with L on 'and 1', L over R cross on 'and 3' (R on
the 'and' in place), 56 catwalk 7 slide back and tap left crossing in front
of right