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Shines / Turn Patterns
(on 1)
- 123 56 7 kick right 8 tap R right and
face right 1 step with R
2 kick with L 3 tap with L 4 move left with L
5 R toe together 6 R heel 7 toe 8 R step right
1 L toe 2 L heel 3 L toe 4 L step
5-8 tap with R: LRLL, 1-4 tap with R: R, Left hand in front, R, cross behind
5 L step forward 6 R cross behind 7 R step behind 8 L cross forward
1 L step forward 2 R cross behind 3 R tap front 4 R cross behind 5-7 slide
(on 2)
- (right turn on 7): 123 prep 5 cross right
over left, 6 left step left, 7 turn right on right
(on 1)
- open position, double turn lady with
right hand
step under right offering left hand into inside turn wrapping her
123 prep, 567 double turn holding right low then turn self, getting into senteta
double inside turn turn her hand on back, prep double turn and turn man
- double R turn lady, inside turn with
both hands (pull across)
123 man R turn, 567 R turn lady to hammerlock, 7 man hook turn
- from open position break 123 into enchoufa
(left hand),
567 get other hand as well and make a left turn
123 right turn man 567 she turns right then he, into senteta
- CBL while man remains in the original
outside turn along left side, ending with mans left hand low, her arm behind
her back
offer other hand, outside turn
123 man half left turn 567 man left turn holding right low, drop&catch
123 prep 567 double turn
enchoufa, 567 arms in the air, 123 arms go down to hips 567 inside turn
- CBL while man remains in the original
123 outside turn 5 switch hand to right hand 67 she makes an outside turn
and he makes a left turn holding his right hand behind his back (potiontial
finish here)
123 offer left hand, 567 hook tunnel inside turn (or fake tunnel)
release left hand, inside turn into Hammerlock
123 L hand to her shoulder, 567 outside turn, after 7 step back to back
1 2(small push) 3, offer L hand, 567 turn out
- reverse coppa, with left hand on her
right shoulder, right hand into air + scoop
turn out reverse and man turns right with L arm behind his back
coppa with stopping by sliding L hand along her arm
567 turn out into shoulder check
- double right turn into hammerlock, prepare
by R cross front instead of normal
123 extended enchouffa turn, she turns more and he steps behind her on 3
finish 1: 567 pull back 1 pop 23 etc...
finish 2: 5 pull back 6 7 R cross in front, get in front of her, 1 open break
- open position, lead inside turn holding
back, move to her other side on 123, inside turn + turn man
- (Int 1) butterfly, RT into hammerlock,
loop, inside turn, man half left turn + haircomb (123), inside turn lady lead
with right hand moving from her right to her left hip
- R over L, RT, sombrero complicado to
inside turn holding both hands, man half right turn with back to her (123),
side step wrapping the man, reverse inside turn
- 360, 360, open break hammerlock, loop
R into L-L connection (123), L inside turn holding L low, 123 prep, 567 SLT
- Drop and Catch, 123 half right turn to
face her for a RT lady. Paperclip with both hands high op 5 instead of wrapping
into hammerlock on 5